Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The land is sexual. It is natural and contains death, life, beauty, God and sex. When you are on the land this is evident. For more than 40 years, Americans have gone back to their Puritanical roots that denies creativity. In every society, at least a small part of the population must be the "bad boys" and "bad girls" for a society not to be too uptight and as a result judgemental instead of allowing any to become writer, artists or musicians.

Let me underline that and make something perfectly clear in the beginning. When a society ignores the reality of death and sex, there cannot be true creativity. After the “sexual revolution” of the sixties, American society zipped up their pants and the hemline fell. It became in vogue to talk about sex, watch the machinations of it on the screen but sexuality became dulled and dead. Women had their affairs but colored it in new age terminology about finding themselves. Men became weak, period. Never have there been so many failed erections in this country or dry vaginas.

Fashion shows anemic thin girls with big breasts. Women followed fashion and now they have Barbie doll bodies but don’t know how to use them. I have never seen so many dried-up women in my life – especially women just younger than myself. They are medicated, whiney, and spend money like water.

The men are afraid of their wives, and their children; afraid to fail and not be considered “good.” They were attacked on both ends: by coming of new age psychologists and their girlfriends and wives. They read books on intimacy, and then are rejected as not knowing how to be intimate. They are too confused to be angry.

There is no freedom. Men and women and children don't know where to turn. There is no leadership, indeed no balance as nature intended. Feminists became unbalanced and bitter, not allowing men to be themselves. They turned their attention to keeping the man, so they punish them.

Men are different. Women cannot feel safe unless they require men to be like women. This is what we have now: emasculated men, who need to go back to nature and take ownership back for themselves. And, women? You need to go back and be proper feminists and find the mystery and earth mother wonder of sex so that a sexual union goes natural again.

Even post-sixties flower children need to lay down their blackberry's and go on the hunt again! Erica Jong in her character Isadora Wing got it right...

So hate me,

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