Monday, September 7, 2009


It has been a long long weekend in a way though I can say it has almost been a week since I have moved into my kiva on the high desert. It is amazing how beautiful it is here with critters running all over the place and big birds chasing them. When you live in a small place of windows open to the world outside, you are more aware of nature. There are people I know, who live in amazing places and never know what the weather is outside.

For the past five days, I have unpacked and arranged my little dwelling so that after three days I was able to work on my writing. Depending on my mood, it was my memoir or my literary novel. It is finished, but I am polishing it for sending off to a new agent. And, of course dear readers are you out there? I started my first blog ever. Of course, I have one faithful follower, who has commented on every blog so far.

Maggio, sorry you didn't like the "hippie chick" block, but we are not all as hip as you are to these things. You did like the snake story, I noticed.

Well, I did a little handwashing of undies, and I am almost out of water. It is time to go visit that well and to ride into town. I can see that I need to buy gallons more every week just in case. My hands burn from the soap I have used this week in cleaning and making an effort to wash my hands more now that I am out using the outhouse.

I promise, tomorrow, I will tell you my wild wolf pair story.

Later, Lia

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